Staying strong!

We take actions while government is still making plans. Due to lockdown Kgomotso Children Centre had to close its doors - but it didn’t close its eyes. We started the „We Can’t Eat Air - Campaign“ to hand out food parcels to 65 families of KCC kids who are in a desperate situation.

Since day one of lockdown more and more kids and families have been approaching KCC to seek help. The government of South Africa has been promising to give out food parcels to families in need but so far they don’t arrive where they are most urgently needed. Families in Soshanguve and Winterveld are starving because they run out of food and don’t have money to go and buy. Since last week Thursday we were trying to get the permit to travel to shops and deliver food to the most needy kids. We waited, did follow-ups and still they kept us waiting. Early this week the support organisation TTK in Germany send the money to buy food for the families.

“On Tuesday two KCC kids came so hungry and it broke my heart even worse to see them in that state while government delay us a permit to help these kids.“, Kgomotso says. „Then we decided to go to police to seek help or convince them to escort us to the shops.“ At a second police station Kgomotso was eventually granted a 1-day-permit to travel to town in order to buy food. It was a big break-through and they rushed to town

„As a centre and as a community leader I care for my people. This initiative was started when I saw that our people are struggling to apply for the government food parcels. Our community, they are very hungry. Especially the kids that we are serving at Kgomotso Children Centre. That’s why I came up with that campaign.“ - Kgomotso Nyalungo, founder of Kgomotso Children Centre 

At the shop they managed to to buy most of the products for all 65 families. Today, three social workers from the local Father Smangaliso Mkhatshwa Secure Centre came with their cars and permits to help staff with the food parcels. The campaign managed to give out food parcels to 24 families in only one day. The families were very happy as many of them were already left without any food. More food parcels are now on their way to the other families and will be distributed during the next days.

„We are still pleading with you to continue to give us more support, so that we can reach to other families. We have approximately 200 families that need help.“ - Kgomotso Nyalungo, founder of Kgomotso Children Centre 

Latest news

In March, KCC managed to buy a land with the help of German support organization Tshwane Township Kids e.V.. The land has been paid for and the cleaning processes has started. The second phase of fencing the yard will start soon as KCC is now in a process of finding suitable fence. 

Since early this year, kids have been enjoying a fun playground. All of that has exercised their creativity and motoric skills and they socialized with others. Besides the social skills that they develop personal skills also become a core advantage that can be achieved.

KCC has come up with a community soccer team for all age groups especially to those that are out of school. We have teams from under 11 to masters’ which are boys over 21 years of age. So far, we have 40 boys from around the township.

We are still collecting clothes from communities and individuals. Children who need clothes are given a chance to pick anything they like. This program will be part of the new KCC activities. Those who want to give clothes, shoes or blankets can contact the centre or drop off at the centre.

We are looking forward to working with your children and youth this year.

Best wishes to our community as we work together to achieve more things this year.

Kgomotso Mphela is one of the 2021 winners of the Mail & Guardian 200 Young South Africans. She was honoured in the category "rural development projects" together with 9 other fellow South Africans. 

On Youth Day 2021 Kgomotso Children Centre opened a new branch in Winterveld. Almost 10 years after moving from the original place under a tree in Winterveld to establish the youth centre at Block NN in Soshanguve KCC is happy to be back in Winterveld, again.

After another closure due to the lockdown situation KCC has finally opened again in February. While some activities are still restricted due to level 3 lockdown everyone at KCC was eager to start again with their work. 

Looking back at 2020, a year that has been very difficult to all of us, we want to thank those who supported us throughtout the year. After we had started with the We Can't Eat Air Campaign in April more organisations and people approached KCC to offer their help.

On the third day of the "We Can't Eat Air - Campaign" the remaining families received their long-awaited food parcels. The first phase of the campaign has now come to an end. We thank everyone who helped to make it a great success.